Hi I'm Lucas! A guy who likes to code and make animations for fun and a fellow member of the ROSC. In Scratch I go by Messydesk-studios. I’ve been collaboratively and independently making projects such as: The Lucas and Adam show, Adventures of Raindrop boy and the upcoming one Untitled short. I am currently working on this website. My favorite foods are Spaghetti, Mashed potato and Chicken.

What is this website?

Messydesk.neocities.org is an e-porfolio and directory of all my animatons, games, softwares, websites, drawings and more. I will also be having a blog and news articles that will keep you updated on current projects I'm working on. This website was made using html from the web hosting service Neocities.

Early years

Around the fall of 2020, I got a tutor to teach me scratch while I was in lockdown. My first game was a tag game made in my old scratch account lucasm30. Later that day, I started working on very first animation. It was a small cartoon of people dancing to the ducktales moon theme called "Master Dancer".

After my course finished, I haven't really done any coding for a while. Although, on after my friend introduced me to gumball, I was inspired to make my own animation. Which is how I came up with the idea of Renchwood during the late 2021. I was also interested in making stop motion animation. I made my first stop motion film called piplin and then laker the crab slayer, a movie based on how my cousin killed a crab with a stick 9 years ago(it later turned into a video games).


After taking heavy insparation from pixar, I started my own film studio titled "Redram". The studio was origonally supposed to be producing several full length hour long films such as:

  • Girfins Quest - I'll talk more on that later
  • Comedic Cowboys - Movie about a bunch of cowboys whos careers are chosen by the head of the town. With the problem being the cowboys wanting to be a comedian but cant due to the restrictions of their their career.
  • Tornado guy/germ guy - pretty obvious, a movie about this guy who gets stuck in a vacum cleaner and gets germs and becomes a superher. The other idea was a guy who can use wind to move objects around.
  • Laker the crab slayer - the origonal short film turned into a full length movie.
  • Grey's globe - goofy black and white film that takes place in the 1940s
  • Grey's globe 2 - goofy black and white film that takes place in the 2000s

The studio was later shut down after ealizing that I would need 100s of animators and a million dollar budget to be able to make those films. Which meant all my films were cancelled. Although I do hope I can turn some of those ideas into a book or video game.

Messydesk is born

When I started 5th grade, I was learning about order of operations. Which made me want to write a song about the subject. I was think of the video being an animation on scratch. Although I haven't really used scratch for a while, so I had to create a new account. I named the my account "Messydesk-studios" because of an animation I emailed to some one titled "Animation I made in my messy desk". Hence the name. I also chose the name because it represents the a busy and cluttered mind. The PEMDAS animation was never finished(I didn't know how to make songs).